Lawyers Mutual, founded in 1977, is the first lawyers mutual insurance company in the country and has provided continuous professional liability coverage to North Carolina lawyers for 40 years. Its reputation for leadership, professionalism and commitment to its attorneys sets the standard for other legal malpractice insurance providers. For more information, call 800.662.8843, follow us on Twitter @LawyersMutualNC, connect on our LinkedIn page, like us on Facebook

Nature Vacations

The origin of the word “vacation” comes from the Latin word vacare, which means “to be empty or free.” Some vacations that I have taken are consistent with this root word. When I travelled to the Everglades to camp on a deserted island, I certainly felt free of work obligations and the t… Read More

Drafting Errors: Small Mistakes Can Lead to Big Claims

Drafting errors are one of the most common causes of legal malpractice claims. Every year, Lawyers Mutual receives multiple claims arising from lawyers’ drafting mistakes. Some of these claims could be described as minor claims, while others result in substantial damages. A minor typographical error can j… Read More

Corporate Transparency Act: Further Clarification

As with any new sweeping federal regulatory scheme, there are kinks to work out and questions which need clarification. This has certainly been true for the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”). The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) of the U.S. Department of Treasury has cont… Read More

Wisdom of Crowds

In the legal realm, grappling with complex matters is routine, whether it involves forecasting unexpected legal twists or devising strategies to outmaneuver adversaries. A prevalent tactic employed by management teams in tackling such complexities is tapping into the "wisdom of crowds" – soliciting divers… Read More

Let’s Meet to Discuss, Or Maybe Not

We have all been there. The firm has called a meeting or another lawyer in the firm wants to have a meeting with you. The content presented in the meeting could have easily been provided to you in an email. While you’re in the meeting, your email inbox grows and the pile of work on your desk continues to … Read More

ABA President Calls on Lawyers to Defend Judiciary

‌On April 8, 2024, American Bar Association President, Mary Smith, issued a statement calling on all members of the legal profession to defend against increasing threats against judges in the United States  Smith noted that threats against judges have doubled since 2019. They include threats of physi… Read More

Theodore C. Edwards Receives John B. McMillan Distinguished Service Award

Lawyers Mutual congratulates Ted Edwards, who was honored by the North Carolina State Bar with the John B. McMillan Distinguished Service award. The award was presented to Edwards by State Bar President A. Todd Brown on February 23, 2024, at the LAP Minority Outreach Conference. The award is given to North Caro… Read More

Law Firm Audits: Is Your Firm Due for an Exam?

Most people don’t enjoy going to the doctor for a physical exam. There is all the poking and prodding and the lectures from your doctor about your lifestyle, diet, weight, and exercise. There is the potential that the doctor might find some illness or disease that you were unaware of. And yet most of us c… Read More

Georgia Lawyer Turns Ordinary Malpractice Claim into Disbarment

A recent ABA Journal article offers a cautionary tale for lawyers who commit malpractice. The article describes the case of a Georgia lawyer who was disbarred after submitting falsified documents in her disciplinary case. The lawyer had been hired to represent a personal injury client who had been injured in … Read More

Alabama Federal Judge Rules Corporate Transparency Act Unconstitutional

On March 1, 2024, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama Northeastern Division declared the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) unconstitutional. In National Small Business Association v. Yellen, Judge Liles C. Burke found that Congress had exceeded its powers in enac… Read More