Byte of Prevention Blog

by Pat Murphy |

Ready, Set, Retirement?

pat murphyAre you looking forward to retirement?  If you are like me, the answer may be “yes” and “no”.  I can’t believe that I’m old enough to think about it, but the reality is setting in.  I don’t plan to retire for several more years, but time is going so fast these days I’m sure retirement will be here before I know it.

In some ways I am not looking forward to retirement.  I will miss my co-workers and the stimulation that comes from interacting with people and having new experiences every day.  The rhythm of the work day makes me feel connected to the world.

However, the idea of no longer being tied to a daily schedule is kind of exciting. As we move into retirement we will be able to try new things, pursue personal interests and arrange our days the way we want.  We will have more time to travel - and it doesn’t have to be to exotic locales. A couple of my friends decided they want to take daytrips to every county of North Carolina (all 100 of them!) and have lunch in a popular local diner.  They keep a notebook of the places they plan to visit along with their advance research notes and notes after visiting the place.  They don’t do it on a regular schedule, but keep it in mind for when they have some free time.

It will be nice to have time to pursue interests to keep us active and healthy.  My 79 year old friend Marge starts her day with a water aerobics class 3 days a week.  Another friend has started playing pickle ball.  (Yes, that is a sport.  Here is a link if you want to find out more about it.  My husband and I look forward to more kayaking.

Of course one of the reasons that I am not looking forward to retirement is that I don’t feel like we are ready financially.  My husband and I have taken a few steps to get ready and with each one of those I feel a little more confident.  We continue to evaluate our savings and investments and move some of them into less risky products which can provide income after we retire.

Lawyers Insurance Agency found a great resource from Genworth. The brochure addresses not only the financial planning aspect of retirement but also the personal planning. After all, you have to know where you want to go before you can figure out how to get there.  My favorite “take away” from this brochure is the reminder that retirement is not an event, it is a process.  You can access the "Let's Talk" brochure here


Pat is an experienced insurance professional who has been with Lawyers Insurance since 2005. You can read more about her background on her LinkedIn profile.

If you would like a printed copy of the Let’s Talk brochure, contact Pat at 800.662.8843 or


About the Author

Pat Murphy

Pat Murphy is an experienced insurance professional who has been with Lawyers Insurance since 2005. You can read more about her background on her LinkedIn profile. Contact Lawyers Insurance at 800.662.8843 for information regarding insurance quotes.

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