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LM Board Member Sharon Parker Receives Governor's Award

Lawyers Mutual Board member Sharon Parker of McDowell County was honored by Governor Beverly Purdue on November 16 as a recipient of the Governor's Medallion Award for Volunteer Service. Parker, a lawyer with Dameron, Burgin, Parker & Jackson, P.A., in Marion, was one of 20 individuals to receive the award from the N.C. Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service. These honorees embody the true spirit of volunteerism by providing services such as medical assistance, youth education, and senior citizens care to their communities. "These volunteers play an integral part in enhancing the quality of life for North Carolinians, and for that we are grateful for their service," said Gov. Perdue. Recipients were honored by Gov. Perdue at a ceremony in the State Capitol where they each received a medallion and a certificate in recognition of their service.

Parker serves as a volunteer with several McDowell County organizations, including the Marion Elementary PTO; the McDowell Foundation, an affiliate of the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina; Hospice of McDowell County and Marion First United Methodist Church. Parker is also completing her term as President of the McDowell County Bar Association.

"I am humbled and honored to be a recipient of this Award. Community service is a hallmark of the legal profession. I value the organizations I am involved with both professionally and as a member of the community and I feel I benefit more from the relationships I've built with individuals in these organizations than I am ever able to give back."

Dan Zureich, President and CEO of Lawyers Mutual Liability Insurance Company of North Carolina says this about Parker, "the fact that Sharon manages a full-time law practice, serves on the Board of our Company, is a caring mother and daughter to family members with challenging health needs, and manages to give back to her community by serving in volunteer roles for her church, school, local bar and service organizations speaks volumes about Sharon's character, her compassion and her kindness. We are fortunate to know her and call her our friend and colleague."

The recognition is part of the Governor's Volunteer Service Awards program, which honors individuals, groups, teams and businesses that make significant contributions to their communities through volunteer service. Since the program began in 1979, more than 16,000 individuals have been recognized for their service. County coordinators and local selection committees receive and evaluate the nominations. Medallion recipients are nominated at the county level then evaluated by a panel of community service leaders from across the state. For more information about the Commission and the Governor's Volunteer Service Awards please visit www.volunteernc.org. About Lawyers Mutual Liability Insurance Company of North Carolina

Lawyers Mutual is the largest provider of professional liability insurance for North Carolina lawyers. Founded in 1977, our mission is to meet the insurance needs of the legal profession through innovative personal service and products. Today, we're doing that by offering a full range of insurance coverage for lawyers and their families, as well as continuing education and practical tools to help lawyers better serve their clients and the public.For more information, call 800.662.8843 or visit www.lmlnc.com. 

Media Contact
Camille Stell, Director of Client Services