Lawyers Insurance

William Stroud

As manager of the NCBA Health Benefit Trust, Lawyers Insurance has been focused on the effect of federal health reform on the success of the health plan.  It now appears that the NCBA Health Benefit Trust could become, for law firms, a safe harbor from the disruptions to the small business health insurance market.  As a self-funded plan, the NCBA plan will retain more flexibility and may be able to provide lower costs than insured plans.

In the past year, the NCBA health plan also found itself in the enviable position of having an excess of surplus.  The trustees responded by decreasing rates by 8% at the 2012 October renewal.  We hope to continue to use excess surplus to hold down rates over the next few years.

Other Lawyers Insurance offerings continue to show strong growth.  We have a number of unique and valuable disability programs, we provide expert assistance in placing Medicare supplement coverage and our property and casualty department can assist you with all your needs.  Our structured settlement program had an outstanding year, assisting lawyers and their clients with settlement planning utilizing a variety of trusts.

The success of Lawyers Insurance plays an important part in the financial success of Lawyers Mutual, and its profits help pay dividends to Lawyers Mutual policyholders.

2014 dividend announcement

Lawyers Mutual is pleased to announce a dividend in the amount of $1,280,00 for policyholders.

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