Byte of Prevention Blog

by Samantha Cruff |

Ten E-mail Security Tips

emailE-mail presents a risk for breaching client confidences. One of the most dangerous, and easiest, methods of breaking confidentiality is simply sending an e-mail intended for your client to the wrong party. Another trap for the unwary is metadata, the hidden information lurking in attached documents. Training yourself and your staff to avoid these dangers will go a long way in protecting your firm. Here are 10 email security tips to help you better protect your firm and your clients' valuable data:
  1. Prevent theft of important data by locating your network file server in a secure room.  The room can be wired with alarms. 
  2. Make sure all network users log out when they leave their desks for long periods.  Computers should be turned off at night.
  3. Restrict specific desktop computers from logging in anyone other than the employee assigned to that desk.  Your system administrator can document who logged in, when and from which computer.
  4. Use passwords and change them periodically.  Do not tape your password to your monitor.
  5. If you are on a network, make sure that unauthorized persons do not have access to directories where sensitive work is stored.
  6. Use anti-virus programs on each computer as well as on network files.
  7. Use an encryption program for extremely sensitive information.
  8. Do not leave floppy disks unsecured.
  9. Make sure all backup disks are password protected.
  10. Remember:  Deleting a file from a floppy disk or hard drive does not erase the data.

 For more tips and information on protecting your firm's data check out our practice guide.

Samantha Cruff is the Marketing Communications Coordinator at Lawyers Mutual. Contact Samantha for information regarding our available risk management publications at 800.662.8843 or

About the Author

Samantha Cruff

Samantha Cruff is the Marketing Communications Coordinator at Lawyers Mutual. Contact Samantha for information regarding our available risk management publications at 800.662.8843 or

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